Refund Policy

Refund Policy

On our platform, “theplainthreads,” it is essential to ensure that our customers are fully satisfied while purchasing services or products. Certain customers are not satisfied with a product after buying it, for which we also provide the option of returning the product and getting a refund. Having the information on these refund instructions is necessary as it will inform you whether you are eligible to get the refund or not, the time taken to get the refund, etc. 


Return and Refund Instructions for Prepaid Orders

  • We accept returns for prepaid items but only if the customer makes the order  using our official website and the customer returns that within 7 days of delivery.
  • The refund will be provided in the same mode that the customer used to book any product.
  • It will take around 07 days to provide the refund in your bank account.


Keep Credit for the Cash-On-Delivery Orders

If the customer uses the Cash on Delivery option, they will receive a store credit equal to the purchasing amount that can be used for future transactions.

For every returned item, the shipping cost will not be reimbursed. 


The Refunds on the Deals or Free Products

Customers who book or purchase the product during offers, promotional events, or similar deals will receive some complimentary items.

After skipping all the promotional giveaways, a refund will be considered only for the purchased item.


Time Taken to Get the Refund

The customer will receive an email notification regarding the refund eligibility and criteria, which also includes the refund timeframe.

The time taken to process the refund is nearly 30 days, as the time varies depending on the product and medium of protection. 


Unable to Get the Refund

  • If you are unable to get the refund within the given time period due to a technical issue or human error, give us some extra processing time. 
  • You will get an update on your refund status through regular email or messages, which you can check online.
  • You can also reach to us at if you have any queries about the refund, instructions for refund, time taken, or any other query.